Can You Scare Mice Away With Noise? Mice Hacks

Rodent Guide
Written By Rodent Guide

I believe in treating all creatures with respect. My mission is to ensure everyone understands how to protect their home from rodents without using cruel methods.

You know there is a mouse close by. It could be in your walls. It could be in your attic; it could be anywhere!

You know you have a battle to get rid of mice, but you need an immediate fix with THIS mouse. What if you make a loud noise?

Will that work?

Are there any sounds mice hate?

Can you scare mice away with noise?

Let’s look at some of the sounds to keep mice away.

Can You Scare Mice Away With Noise_

If I Make A Noise, Will It Scare The Mouse Away?

The short answer is yes. But what noise scares mice away?

I know from experience that certain noises will scare mice away. Even a tiny foot shuffle will cause the mice to pay attention.

If you want to scare mice away with noise, anything loud or sudden will do! Make it loud, and make it abrupt.

Here I will look at common noises that will scare mice away.

4 Noises That Mice Are Afraid Of

Loud Abrupt Noises

Undoubtedly, a loud, abrupt noise will cause the mouse to flee. I have seen it so often, even when I try (and fail) to be quiet!

If you hear mice in a wall or an attic, you can loudly bang on the wall or ceiling. Listen for them scurrying away!

Loud abrupt noises are the best way to scare mice away in the first instance.

If you are lucky enough to have noticed a mouse in your home before it has had a chance to settle in, then you should use loud noises to make them scared to stay there!

Ultrasonic Noises

ultrasonic rat repellent

We have recently seen a huge increase in the sale of ultrasonic pest control adapters.

These devices release a sound that can be heard by a rodent but not by a human. There have been reports that young children can also hear these sounds as their hearing develops.

Do ultrasonic devices work for pest control? The answer is yes, they HELP, but they will not work on their own as a complete mouse control device.

When using ultrasonic devices to scare mice away, always make sure that you use them in areas where you have noticed mice activity in your home and not in open spaces. The bigger the area, the less they will work to eliminate the mice.

Pet Noises

grey cat on wooden chair relaxing cat safe mouse traps

We all know that having a cat will help to keep mice away, right?

But… if you have a device to play cat sounds, do they scare mice away?

A cat is a natural predator of mice. The sounds of a predator will scare any animal away. The short answer is yes, pet noises will scare mice away, but there are caveats.

Imagine a mouse hears a predator, so it hides in a dark corner of your attic. After venturing out a few times, it can hear the predator but it cannot smell it, or see it.

Over time, would you become more relaxed with the pet noises? I think a mouse probably would. Having said that, if you want to scare mice away with noises, a car sound is an excellent idea!

Human Noise

The noise you make will scare mice away if they are close enough to you.

Don’t get me wrong; if you have mice in your attic and hear you underneath, they will not be too scared; however, take a walk up to your attic, which is a different story altogether.

Mice will not enjoy your company and will be scared of the noise you make in the attic or wherever they are hiding.

When you enter your attic, try to be as loud as possible to put fear up the mouse or mice. Let them know you are there, and ensure the mice are afraid to stay in your home.

Does Noise Keep Mice Away?

Mice are such tiny, timid creatures that even the slightest noise can send them running for cover. Noise is one of the most effective ways to keep mice at bay and prevent them from making themselves at home in your house.

Now, before you go grabbing your speakers and cranking up the volume to 11, it’s important to keep in mind that the type of noise you use can make all the difference.

While blasting death metal at all hours of the day and night might be fun for you, it’s unlikely to have much of an effect on mice (unless you happen to have a particularly metal-loving mouse, in which case, more power to you). Instead, try using one of the abovementioned noises to keep mice away.

When you have learned how to scare mice away with noise, it isn’t the only thing you should be doing to keep mice away from your home. The best thing you can do is seal up any mice entry points that allow them to get access to your property.

By sealing these up, you reduce the chances of a mouse getting in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do high-pitched sounds keep mice away?

Ultrasonic devices have been shown to keep mice away, but it is not the only thing you need to do to keep mice away. So you need to find common mouse entry points and seal them up!

Do cat sounds scare mice?

If you’re a cat owner, then you know that these furry feline friends have a way of making themselves heard. From their adorable purring to their spine-tingling meows, cats have a wide range of sounds at their disposal, and it turns out that some of these sounds can be quite effective at scaring mice away.
Before grabbing your cat and forcing it to meow on command (not recommended, for both your sake and your cat’s), it’s important to remember that not all cat sounds are created equal. While a loud, aggressive meow might startle a mouse, it’s unlikely to do much to keep them away in the long term.

Will the mouse come back after I scare it away?

Simply making loud noises will not keep mice away. It may scare mice away, but most mice will run and hide somewhere else in your home. Ultimately, mice are likely to come back even after you have scared them with a loud noise.

How do you scare mice fast?

There are a few things you can do to scare mice away quickly. Mice are scared of loud noises, so one way to scare them is by making loud noises. You can also try using strong-smelling substances, like peppermint oil, to keep them away.
Ultimately, loud noise is the best way! Make the mice know you are there.

What can scare mice away?

There are a few things that can scare mice away, including noise. Mice are sensitive to sound and often avoid areas with too much noise. You can use this to your advantage by making some noise to scare them away.

You can bang on pots and pans, clap your hands, or stomp your feet. You can also play loud music or turn on a radio to scare them away. Make enough noise to scare the mice, but not so much that it annoys your neighbors!

You can also try using ultrasonic sound waves to repel mice. There are devices available that emit these waves, and they can be effective at keeping mice away. However, they may also bother your pets, so use them cautiously.

Will sleeping with lights on keep mice away?

Mice are happy enough in both light and darkness, so sleeping with the lights on won’t necessarily keep them away.

However, it may help deter them if you make some noise while awake and moving around in your room. Mice are also drawn to food, so clean up any crumbs or snacks that might be tempting them.

Finally, keep your room as tidy as possible so there are fewer places for them to hide.


Can you scare mice away with noise? Yes, you can! There are tons of noises that mice are afraid of.

If this is the first time you have heard a noise in your home and you think it may be a mouse, you should be making as much noise as possible. You might get lucky, and you might scare the mouse away from your home.

It is unlikely that this is the last time you hear mice in your home. If a mouse has found its way into your house, another will follow. Now is the time to implement additional mouse control in your house, including setting some highly rated mouse traps, sealing mouse entry points, and clearing up anything that attracts mice.

Mice can transmit some diseases, so get rid of the problem ASAP!

Good luck.


About the Rodent Guide

I’m an expert in do-it-yourself rodent control. For more than 20 years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people live harmoniously alongside these critters by sharing rodent control solutions that are effective and kind.

I believe in treating all creatures with respect. My mission is to ensure everyone understands how to protect their home from rodents without using cruel methods.