A mice infestation is every homeowner’s nightmare!
Mice are hardy, i.e., they’ll do anything to survive – even if it means infesting your walls. And they make quite some noise for their little bodies.
Have you heard sounds from inside your walls? And those sounds come more often at night? If yes, you may have mice in your walls.
Do you want to know what mice sound like in walls and signs to know if you have mice in your house (and walls)? Then, this post is for you.
In addition, you’ll find tips on how to handle a mice infestation and prevent one.
Let’s delve in.

4 common mice sounds and why they make them
Mice make different sounds while they go about their ‘business’ in your house. And since they’re typically nocturnal, it is more likely that you’ll hear mouse noises at night.
So, here are the common mice sounds you’re likely to hear in your walls:
Scurrying noises
This one is particularly common. Mice are notorious for their light feet, yet they make a considerable amount of scurrying noise when they move around in your house (especially in walls).
This scurrying sound is made as they dig in their nails when moving or as their bodies brush against surfaces. You’re likely to hear mice scampering in your walls at night when everywhere else is quiet.
In fact, it is easy to mistakenly ascribe this noise to larger animals because the scurrying noise is usually magnified (through echoes) at night. And this gives the impression of larger animals.
However, the next time you hear such noises, just tap your fingers on the walls. If the noise stops after you do so, you’re most definitely dealing with a mouse problem.
Scratching noises
One of the common sounds mice infestations make in walls is scratching. The scratching noise results from the mice trying to climb around in your house and walls, of course, making their way through your insulation.
Also, you can hear scratching noises when shredding materials for their nests.
Chewing/Gnawing noises
Like rats, mice have sharp teeth, meaning mice chew almost anything. And since they have a voracious appetite, it is no surprise that they chew through anything (wood, plastic, soft vinyl, rubber, etc.) in search of food.
This sound should do more than unsettle you; it should bother you. Because it may be the sound of a mouse chewing away your electrical wirings, which may cause short circuits and lead to house fires.
So, the moment you start hearing strange sounds in your wallet, you should make a move to ascertain if they’re nice or not and find a way to get rid of them.
Squeaking noises
While it may not seem like it, mice communicate with one another. And one of the ways with which they do that is by making sounds like squeaking (or sometimes sounds that look like chirping).
While not all mouse squeaks are audible to humans, you can often hear mouse babies squeaking for their mothers to return to the nest.
Common mice infestation signs

What are the other signs of a mouse infestation besides hearing their sounds? Here are some signs to further confirm whether you have a mouse problem or not;
Mice droppings
You have a mouse problem whenever you see mouse droppings in your house (especially when they’re fresh). But, some homeowners don’t even know what mouse feces look like.
Mouse droppings are pellet-shaped and smaller than a grain of rice. They are usually dark brown or black and around 0.32 to 0.64 cm long.
Take care when disposing of mice droppings, as they sometimes carry bacteria or viruses that are dangerous to human health.
Urine smell
Another sign of a mouse infestation is the characteristic stench that comes from their urine. It smells like ammonia and is more noticeable in tight spaces like cupboards.
Since the smell is usually powerful, it is easy to notice.

If you ever stumble upon a mouse nest, you’re one step closer to winning the fight against mice. Unfortunately, mice nests are commonly located in dark, secluded areas (attics, closets, garages, basements, etc.). Hence, they’re a bit difficult to find.
Most of the shredded fabrics and other materials that mice damage in your house are used to build their nests.
Mice burrow holes that are around one inch in diameter. However, you can look for even smaller holes because mice are small, and they’d fit in tiny spaces.
So, search your house for possible burrow holes for mice.
Seeing mice
Occasionally, you may even see a mouse scuttling across your kitchen floor. There’s no mistaking it; if you’ve seen one mouse, you have a potential mouse problem (if you don’t already have an infestation).
This is so because mice multiply rapidly; a pair of mice (a male and a female) can produce over 4000 offspring in a year! Hence, if you don’t act quickly, a mouse infestation may quickly get out of hand.
Are mice a threat (or dangerous) to humans?

Asides from being destructive pests, what other threats do mice pose to humans? Well, quite a lot.
Mice sometimes carry/transmit several diseases. Some of these include; Bubonic plague, Salmonella, Murine Typhus, Rat-bite fever, and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
Most of these bacteria are transmitted when mice come in contact with food items in your kitchen. So, you should beware of leaving food items uncovered.
What do you do if you have a mouse problem?
At this point, you may already be asking, “what do I do to get rid of mice in my house?” Worry no more. Here are some methods you can use to get rid of mice in your house.
Mouse traps

One of the ways to get rid of mice in your home is to use traps. You can use any of the traps available; glue mouse traps, electric mouse traps, snap mouse traps, multiple catch mouse traps, etc.
Some homeowners don’t mind using traps that will kill mice, while some use humane traps that’ll capture the mouse alive — your choice.
All you need to do is to bait the trap with bacon, chocolate, gummy candy, or dried fruits. Then, place the traps in places where you’ve seen mice infestation signs. Afterward, you can check the trap frequently to see if the mice took the bait.
The downside of using mouse traps is that it is time-consuming and ineffective for huge mouse populations. It can also injure people if care is not taken.
Bait stations
Bait stations are also effective in controlling a mice infestation. Using bait stations works similarly to mouse traps. However, bait stations protect the baits from dust and make the mouse feel safe while it takes the bait.
However, when placing mouse bait stations, don’t place them near your food store because the mice may go straight for your food supply instead of taking the bait.
Use Rodenticides
You can consider getting a rodenticide if you want to kill a huge mouse population. However, because of their toxicity, it’s advisable to place rodenticides where children or pets cannot reach them.
If you choose to use rodenticides or mouse poison, always look to contain the mice after they have ingested the poison. If you don’t contain the mice, you risk secondary poisoning or a dead mouse in your walls!
Pest control professional

If you can’t seem to get them out after all the steps mentioned above, you should get a professional exterminator to get rid of the mice.
Conclusion; preventing mice from coming into your house
After getting rid of mice in your house, what next? The next step is to ensure they don’t come to visit next time. Take the following steps to keep mice out of your home;
- Keep the home as clean as possible.
- Do not leave your pet’s food bowl and other potential food sources (like pet food) within the mice’s reach.
- Block all mice entry points.
- Use natural mice repellents/deterrents.
You can also use natural predators like cats to ward off mice. So now to work and send those pests out of your house – for good.
Good luck.