Like rats, mice are another type of stubborn rodent that can easily invade your home and destroy your property.
Getting rid of mice in your home is no simple task, that’s for sure!
It would be best if you learned what these rodents can and cannot do. In this post, we will take a look at the question: what can mice climb.
Given their small bodies, mice can easily find their way around the house. Mice can squeeze into very small spaces which means that the extent of the damage they can cause is quite vast.
To be able to control invasion in your house, you need to know how they behave. Finding out what mice can climb on will help you know the areas likely to be infested and help you know where to set your mouse traps!
What Can Mice Climb? Can Mice Climb Walls? What About Other Surfaces?

Mice are very flexible rodents, and this makes it simple for them to escape your sight. They are also fast and can climb almost any surface as long as the surface is a bit rough for their feet to find somewhere to grip.
You will find them either in your house in hidden areas or in the environment around your house.
Unlike rats, mice are curious creatures. Where rats will avoid an obstacle for some time before they are sure if they should approach it, mice go ahead and explore the obstacle as soon as they see it.
Can Mice Climb Walls?
Mice are great climbers, swimmers, and runners. Walls cannot be counted as obstacles, as long as their surfaces are a bit rough. Take a look at this video:
I guess that answers the question; can mice climb walls!
Some of the easy-to-climb surfaces include brick, wood, and gypsum surfaces. Gypsum surfaces have a rough texture finishing, so it would not be advisable to use the same on the exterior of a house in an area prone to rodent infestation.
Wood is one of the easiest surfaces for mice and other types of rodents to climb. Bricks to are also rough enough to make the climb effortless. As builders might try to make concrete smooth, these rodents can still find their way up.

However, smooth painting may make it a bit more slippery, limiting mice’s movement on a concrete wall.
If a mouse can sense food, warmth, or shelter in your attic, they will be there.
Can Mice Climb Metal?
How easy it is for them to climb metal will depend on the size of the metallic material and the smoothness of its finishing.
If the metal is thin, mice will warp their tails around them as they are climbing.
Though a bit more tiresome than climbing a wood or brick surface, mice tend to take up the challenge if they want what is on the other size. If a metal surface has several connectors, it will be easier for mice to travel through since they are awesome jumpers and are very good at climbing!
Can Mice Climb Glass?
Glass gives mice the greatest climbing challenge since it has a very smooth surface.
The metallic or wooden panes surrounding a glass window are what make the surface vulnerable. However, if the glass is well fitted by glass glue with no other rough material, rodents cannot find their way to the top of the glass.
Can Mice Climb PVC?
Most PVC pipes are made of plastic, which is simple for rodents to dig craws into and make their way to the other side. This is why in the past, PVC pipes that were used in building drainages and sewages had to be fitted with guards at the end.
However, mice are not easily found in sewages compared to rats, but they can still make their way around them when they come across such environments.
PVC pipes’ connectors play a big role in the ability of mice to find their way.
If they are fixed nearby, mice do not mind jumping and maneuvering PVC pipes to their desired destination.
Can Mice Climb Furniture?
As much as mice are more outdoor rodents than rats, they can set up a home in your house and jump on and off pieces of furniture.
Mice can easily climb most materials used in building furniture.
These materials include:
- Leather
- Wool
- Cotton
- Wood
All these have aerations that provide stable footings for mice and make it simple for them to climb, move around, and through pieces of furniture.
Mice can climb beds too, and although they are unlikely to come near you when you are sleeping, they will be on your bed looking for food when you are not there.
Can Mice Climb Stairs?
Given their great climbing and jumping skills, mice can climb stairs with ease!
Stairs with carpets are very easily passable. A house mouse will be up and down these during the early hours.
The edges on every staircase are a landing space for mice when they jump from one step to another, both going up and down the stairs. The armrests are also an access points for mice since some have connectors or are made of wood.
Can Mice Climb Kitchen Cabinets?
Most kitchen cabinets are made of polished wood, making them smooth. Getting across such surfaces is not very easy for mice, but by no means impossible.
They will, however, look for alternatives such as the wirings under cabinets or the rough areas near door hinges.
Given their sizes, mice can squeeze through small spaces.
If you have a mouse in the house, the last place you want is in the kitchen.
Can Mice Climb Curtains?
Curtains are some of the easiest surfaces for them to climb.
The materials used to make curtains always have aerations for mice to dig their feet into while moving up the curtain.
As long as the curtain is reachable from a wall or the floor, then mice will use it as a bridge to wherever it wants to end up.
Is there a Surface That Mice Cannot Climb?
Yes – mice find it impossible to climb glass and most metal. But even then, it depends on the type.
Sheets of metal are impossible for mice to climb… there is not enough roughage in the surface for the mouse to get their claws into. Some metal, however, is rough, and some metal is soft enough for a mouse to wedge claws into!
The general rule is that a mouse cannot climb a surface that it cannot get a good enough grip on.
Most glass is impossible for a mouse to climb up. For instance, you will not see a mouse climbing a window, but mice can climb the brickwork surrounding the window with relative ease.
The key takeaway point here is if you want a protect an object from a mouse (a fruit tree, for instance), then you should place sheet metal around it, or in the case of a fruit tree, place sheet metal around the first 1-2 ft of the trunk… standard mouse control practice for fruit growers!

Covering the lower part of a tree is also an excellent idea if you have a tree that overhangs your house. A mouse can climb the tree and find a gap or hole to get into your home easily.
How Do Mice Climb?
Mice climb by using their claws to grip onto any surface that gives them enough purchase to grip. Sheet metal (if it is strong enough) is impossible for a mouse to climb. The same can be said for sheets of glass.
Any object that has a rough texture will allow the mouse to grip on using its claws.
Mice climb slowly, especially if there is not enough texture to grip onto. For instance, mice will climb walls very tentatively!
Check out this mouse climbing a brick wall!
Can mice climb? Yes, mice can climb easily! You will have to make a lot of knowledge investment before you can completely get rid of mice. It would help if you learned what mice can and cannot do.
Here, we went through a list of objects that mice have no trouble climbing. Basically, it is anything with a rough surface!
Their climbing ability is extraordinary! They can even climb to access upstairs apartments.
As much as this surface guide for mice is a great way to start, you also need to know which traps work for mice.
The biggest mistake people make is to assume that because one control measure works with rats it will also work with mice.
Mice have different and sometimes more advanced skills compared to rats, thanks to them having smaller bodies.
You should, therefore, pay attention to the surfaces that attract an effective mice invasion.
Good luck!
I have safe traps for a mouse in my Kitchen. I am wondering if I could let loose on my 6th floor fire escape. Will it be alright ???
You should release the mouse at least 2 miles away from your home. Releasing the mouse on your fire escape is far too risky… the mouse will likely return.
I hope that helps!